

  • 片名:杯弓蛇影[电影解说]
  • 类型: 电影解说
  • 主演:彼得·洛
  • 导演:罗伯特,弗洛里,(Robert,Florey)
  • 年份:1946
  • 地区:美国
  • 热度:939
  • 收藏:810
  • 评分:4.0
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-06-17 15:06:27
  • 简介:  This movie is an early horror film classic and certainly one that a well-rounded horror movie aficionado should not miss. An invalid concert pianist dies, leaving a will that does not include his personal secretary Hilary Cummins (Peter Lorre) as a beneficiary. Furious, the left-out yes-man cuts off a hand from the corpse and plots revenge. Unfortunately for Hilary, the hand inherits a life of its own and relentlessly stalks the wild-eyed Lorre as he flees in vain. Special effects keep the audience jumping as they dread the next appearance of this gruesome walking hand. The film is directed by Robert Florey, who also directed Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932).  The Beast with Five Fingers (1946) is a horror film directed by Robert Florey and with a screenplay by Curt Siodmak, based on a short story by W. F. Harvey first published in the New Decameron. The original music score was composed by Max Steiner. The film was marketed with the tagline "A sensation of screaming suspense!"  The Beast with Five Fingers was Lorre's last film with Warner Brothers. Siodmak had originally written the film for Paul Heinried who turned it down. The piece much played throughout the film is Brahms' transcription for left hand of the chaconne from Johann Sebastian Bach's Violin Partita in D minor, performed by Warner Bros. pianist Victor Aller.  The hands of pianist Ervin Nyíregyházi are shown playing the piano. The film was remade in 1981 by director Oliver Stone as The Hand.
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首页 电影解说 杯弓蛇影[电影解说]


《杯弓蛇影[电影解说]》  This movie is an early horror film classic and certainly one that a well-rounded horror movie aficionado should not miss. An invalid concert pianist dies, leaving a will that does not include his personal secretary Hilary Cummins (Peter Lorre) as a beneficiary. Furious, the left-out yes-man cuts off a hand from the corpse and plots revenge. Unfortunately for Hilary, the hand inherits a life of its own and relentlessly stalks the wild-eyed Lorre as he flees in vain. Special effects keep the audience jumping as they dread the next appearance of this gruesome walking hand. The film is directed by Robert Florey, who also directed Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932).  The Beast with Five Fingers (1946) is a horror film directed by Robert Florey and with a screenplay by Curt Siodmak, based on a short story by W. F. Harvey first published in the New Decameron. The original music score was composed by Max Steiner. The film was marketed with the tagline "A sensation of screaming suspense!"  The Beast with Five Fingers was Lorre's last film with Warner Brothers. Siodmak had originally written the film for Paul Heinried who turned it down. The piece much played throughout the film is Brahms' transcription for left hand of the chaconne from Johann Sebastian Bach's Violin Partita in D minor, performed by Warner Bros. pianist Victor Aller.  The hands of pianist Ervin Nyíregyházi are shown playing the piano. The film was remade in 1981 by director Oliver Stone as The Hand.


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  • 2016
    5.0 矢岛晶子,森川智之,楢桥美纪,兴梠里美,真柴摩利,林玉绪,一龙斋贞友,佐藤智惠,玄田哲章,井上喜久子,茶风林,大泷进矢,野川樱,永岛由子,町田政则,浦山迅,玉川纱己子,萩森侚子,大冢智子,阪口大助,大本真基子,青森伸,猪口有佳,森久保祥太郎,吉野裕行
  • 1999
    2.0 矢岛晶子,楢桥美纪,藤原启治,兴梠里美,小川真司,引田有美,田村由香里,折笠爱,岩永哲哉,中村大树,家弓家正,纳谷六朗,高田由美,富泽美智惠,三石琴乃,真柴摩利,林玉绪,一龙斋贞友,佐藤智惠,玄田哲章,盐泽兼人,茶风林,长嶝高士,玉川纱己子,萩森侚子,大冢智子,伊仓一惠,星野千寿子,户田秋子,京田尚子,稀代樱子,纱由里,大塚瑞惠,阪口大助,草地章江,千叶一伸,大西健晴,臼井仪人,丹波哲郎